Not only is there a conflict between spiritual and physical love, but the love object is often already married; it is an adulterous love.
The tragic story is of the adulterous love between the lovers.
The classic story of ill-fated adulterous love, first published as a serial in the mid-1870's.
In 1915 Ines Rodde marries, but forms an adulterous love for Rudi Schwerdtfeger.
It was this group that drew up the sumptuary legislation on women's clothing and jewelry and in which strong hostility to adulterous love was most often found.
On the other hand, scholars such as Mosché Lazar claim it was adulterous sexual love with physical possession of the lady the desired end.
That scar had always seemed a stigma of adulterous love.
"Chevrefoil" is one of Marie's several lais concerning an adulterous love.
His tale of adulterous love in a peasant milieu has the same accent on revelry and cruelty as the folk material in "Les Noces."
A major difference between Charles and that touchstone heroine is that his adulterous love was reciprocated.