According to the story, an estimated 83 million American adults used some sort of alternative medical treatment last year, up 47 percent over 1990.
However, the adult may recognize this and can then use the story to talk about the child's feelings.
Some adults use very foul language to describe the police.
Also many use the computers there both adults and children so I am quite surprised at this figure of 13%.
The next step, now under way, is to see how children and adults with reading disorders use their brains.
This helps adults use the video to understand the long-term effects of sexual abuse.
"Adults with limited literacy face formidable problems using the health care system," they wrote.
They are much less likely than adults to use safety belts, especially when driving with other teenagers.
Adults may only use the walkway running parallel to it.
Adults could also use a Dynabook, but the target audience was children.