In contrast, adults could stand to learn a thing or two.
The adults stand again in the doorway of the nursery, surveying the wreckage.
Standing on the floor of this huge space were adults and children, ghost people, so many that Lyra couldn't guess their number.
Are they being deprived of a valuable experience so adults can stand on principle?
Behind her, three adults stood close together, watching, suspicious, afraid to show their concern with more than narrow lines around their eyes.
Both adults stood staring at the opening too surprised to speak.
The adults all looked uneasy but stood their ground, while one small boy began climbing up the hill.
When adults and children stand together, bullying ends," Goldberg said.
The other adults were standing behind the children, separated from them by a bookcase.
On either side of her stood two young adults, Newcombe's children, he supposed.