For an adult day pass, the lift tickets run at 35 dollars.
Try to find a support group in your area and an adult day care for some respite care.
Also, look into the types of help you might be able to get at home or in local senior centers and adult day cares.
Could she help them find an adult day care center where they could entertain?
"There are still probably 20 nursing home beds available for every slot that exists in an adult day care program," he said.
When deciding to investigate adult day care options, the first step is to locate centers in your area.
He was across the street having lunch, chatting with some of the regulars, at an adult day care program.
Part-time care may take place either at home or in an adult day care facility.
In 2009, adult day care services cost more in Vermont than any other state - $150 daily.
At the bigger areas, adult day passes cost $40 and up.