The findings were based on telephone interviews with 1,002 adults conducted April 9 to 12.
Routine urinalyses among middle-aged adults conducted by medical clinics around the country have revealed that 13 to 15 percent have microscopic hematuria.
The latest findings are based on personal interviews with 1,569 adults conducted at 300 sites around the country from Oct. 23 through Oct. 28.
Rather, a national telephone survey of 1,539 adults conducted in 1991 showed that better-educated, wealthier whites were the most frequent consumers.
The findings came in a sample of 1,005 adults conducted in January and February 1991.
In a 37-state survey of adults conducted in 1988, 58 percent of those queried described themselves as sedentary (by the above definition).
The telephone poll of 1,502 adults conducted Dec. 27 through Jan. 4 found that believability of news organizations had declined from June 1985 levels.
The average visitor spends $106 on a visit, according to a Nikkei survey of 500 adults conducted last month.
Stop drug dealings 63% Support anti-Communism 21% Based on telephone interviews with 1,654 adults conducted March 19-22.
The telephone survey of 1,226 adults conducted in January has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.