In short, the interest of the Memoirs is in the novel and adroit use of word and phrase.
Oliver's adroit use of descriptive language permeates the narration.
He is absorbing on how essential props are to an actor; the adroit use of things points the scene.
As his voice acquired deeper shades and rougher textures, he made adroit, expressive use of each new facet.
In the past, we commended the restaurant for its adroit use of limited space.
With his adroit use of this bullfight term, which specifically iden.
The movie is very well acted and makes adroit use of a split screen to suggest a lurking claustrophobia.
With adroit use of his reserve knights, Baldwin saved the day.
But Naik making adroit use of the limited resources proved himself to be an astute captain.
His adroit use of staccato was rare among modern jazz trumpeters.