What led them to suspect that adrenal cells might alleviate symptoms of the disease?
Research With Monkeys In animal experiments, fetal cells appear to perform better than adrenal cells.
The researchers exposed adrenal cells from rats to minute quantities of plutonium to see how the cells accumulated the radioactive material.
Use of adrenal cells also avoids the ethical dilemmas of using fetal tissue.
On the other hand, adrenal cells are not true nerve cells and may not grow and make new connections in the brain.
The transplanted adrenal cells seemed to be changing into nerve cells, Dr. Lieberman said.
And in humans, doctors are experimenting with implants of patient's own adrenal cells into the brain to fight Parkinson's disease.
At the Super Bowl, folks marveled over how he was willing to inject adrenal cells from sheep into his body.
The adrenal medullary cells are controlled by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.
Vitamin D increases expression of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene in adrenal medullary cells.