On the other hand, by late adolescence this correlation disappears, such that adoptive siblings are no more similar in IQ than strangers.
But this child and the two other school-age adoptive siblings never appeared in a classroom.
Though 60 years old upon returning to the past, he retains his 10-year-old appearance, despite his adoptive siblings being 30.
Or you study people with different genes but the same environment: adoptive siblings raised together.
On the other hand, by late adolescence this correlation disappears, such that adoptive siblings no longer have similar IQ scores.
Also, biological siblings are more similar in personality than adoptive siblings.
It is also revealed in "Earthlings" that Megan is now his adoptive sibling.
Brotherhood itself was not the entire re straint, for adoptive siblings could marry; but she was one of seven.
She has become Tom's top assistant and a loving sister to her adoptive siblings.
One adoption study in Denmark found that adoptive siblings split into separate foster homes had a 12.9% concordance rate of crime and aggressive behavior.