Dr. Frist also offered to adopt certain "protocols" to assure that nominees eventually reach the full Senate for a vote.
On September 7, 2002 Governor Davis approved a bill requiring the California Climate Action Registry to adopt procedures and protocols for project reporting and carbon sequestration in forests.
The mental-health managed care companies seek to standardize care, and cut costs, by adopting checklists and protocols outlining what treatment will be allowed for what conditions.
Once open relay became unacceptable due to abuse (and unusable due to blocking of open relays) ISPs and other sites had to adopt new protocols to allow remote users to send mail.
Bluetooth is defined as a layer protocol architecture consisting of core protocols, cable replacement protocols, telephony control protocols, and adopted protocols.
Class drivers are very often used with USB based devices, which share the essential USB protocol in common, and devices with similar functionality can easily adopt common protocols.
It also recommended that the Government adopt better protocols for Ministers and their staff for dealing with allegations of corruption in relation to external parties.
Even so, African governments are typically much quicker to adopt international protocols than to pass domestic laws.
Some hospitals have drafted elaborate guidelines for transporting possible SARS patients to isolation rooms, including designating the routes in advance, and adopting protocols for getting everyone out of the way and disinfecting hallways afterward.
Care must be taken to ensure that this process of adopting supplementary protocols does not undermine the actual objective of the convention, however.