Originally intended for adolescent readers, it has sold millions of copies and been translated into more than 30 languages.
Originally published for adults, it has since become popular with adolescent readers for its themes of teenage angst and alienation.
The Doc Savage to whom he referred was a fictional hero popular among adolescent readers of pulp magazines a generation ago.
Interventions for adolescent struggling readers: A meta-analysis with implications for practice.
Several critics have addressed the question of whether Soonchild, with its complex, grown-up themes, is really a book for adolescent readers.
By sharing her personal experiences with adolescent readers, Sender successfully gets them thinking about the devastating results of hate and prejudice.
Librarians have long championed fiction written especially for adolescent readers, but publishers' interest has waxed and waned.
Attentional blink differences between adolescent dyslexic and normal readers.
It is a place that adolescent readers will know.
These books were published as paperbacks and aimed at adolescent readers.