At the end of 11th grade I gave up my adolescent dream to become an anthropologist or paleontologist.
This adolescent dream, though, is a grown-up gamble, to the tune of $33 million.
Is it a movie, or a pulp novel, or an adolescent dream about life in the capital?
It was an adolescent dream to be different, Ms. Vanina explained.
After all the disappointments and frustrations, his adolescent dreams of glory were about to come true.
He arrived just before the Democrats killed off welfare, and the chance to design its replacement was literally an adolescent dream come true.
In adolescent dreams she had fought, like Hippolyta, at a hero's side.
The game's protagonist, 23 years old in the game, also mentions adolescent dreams of working for the organization.
"A male adolescent dream made real, by position," is how Greffin characterized the piece.
From now on, there will be no more adolescent dreams for me.