He was admitted to the degree of LL.
Given the integrated nature of these programs someone who gains a master's degree via an integrated program is not admitted to the degree of bachelor.
Special arrangements were made to permit students holding the Licence of Dentistry to be admitted to the degree after a year of further study.
In 1906 the first candidates were admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
For those who are admitted to the doctoral degree, the gown with scarlet lining shall be used.
D. at Cambridge University in 1504, and was admitted to the same degree at Oxford in 1511.
Persons admitted to the degree of information "Top Secret" or "special importance", may be limited in their constitutional rights.
Returning to Basel in 1580, he was admitted to the degree of doctor, and gave private lectures in botany and anatomy.
That's the least number it takes to admit an acolyte to the first degree.
Graduates of the institute are admitted to the degree of Master of Business Administration.