But it seemed disloyal to admit even to her best friend that she feared her husband had killed someone.
Six months into the case, Jeb breaks down and admits to his friend Jay that Mike and Doug were responsible for Ruben's murder.
She admitted to a deep attraction to her close friend, the highly respected literary critic and fellow Ibsen scholar, William Archer.
Admitting this to her best friend was hard, but it needed to be said.
On the day of her graduation she admits to her friend that she is indeed in love with Bunny.
Though I couldn't admit it to my friend, some frilly girly flowers wouldn't look bad on it.
Stella denies the whole story, but admits to her best friend Helen (O'Hara) that she loves him.
Fitkin admitted to his friend, Rev. E. G. Anderson, that at first he only aimed to make enough to be independent in God's work.
But he cannot admit this to his friend who has just told him that only people with child-like minds can see fairies.