The man had been scheduled to go to trial for murder in 2002 when someone else admitted committing the crime.
Both admitted committing the murder and testified against the rabbi.
He admitted committing robbery in order to support "the family," but had no knowledge of the rapes.
He told them that Cathy was dead, pointed out the location of her body on a map, and admitted committing all eight murders.
He admitted committing other crimes as well and agreed that he knew nothing about the teamsters union in recent years.
The presentence report notes: "The defendant admitted committing the offense.
Doctors have testified that he cannot be considered sane unless he admits committing the killing.
Sure, nearly 60 per cent of them admitted committing some sort of crime or incivility in the nine months prior to being questioned.
"Did you ever tell Dr. Moral that you admitted committing this crime?"
"Did you admit to Dr. Moral that you had admitted committing this crime?"