John also favored Carlotta with an admiring look, to which she returned a distant smile.
Faile gave Perrin an admiring look, but he shook his head.
He put a hand on Elbryan's shoulder and gave the man a sincere, admiring look.
Foaly looked up, an almost admiring look in his golden eyes.
That drew her gaze up to him, and the look in his green eyes, so admiring, warmed her even more.
Mandy shot her an admiring look for her observation skills.
He sighed, an admiring look on his face.
He took one last, admiring look at his gun and allowed himself the luxury of remembering how good it had felt.
She dismissed his admiring look with a cool smile in exchange.
Harry's mother gave him an admiring look as he walked up to the stage to receive his award.