An admiring biography of Bailey was written by Senator Joe Lieberman in 1981.
During Leibowitz's judicial career, his national fame increased in 1950, when he was the subject of an admiring biography by journalist Quentin Reynolds.
The book was read as a counterpoint to Ernest Jones's largely admiring three-volume biography of Freud, published in the 1950's and previously taken to be authoritative.
An outline of Nureyev's early years in Russia is already known from the dancer's memoirs in 1963 and two admiring British biographies in the 1970's.
Mr. Lieberman once wrote an admiring biography of John Bailey, the quintessential Connecticut Democrat who was state chairman for nearly three decades, from 1946 to 1975.
An admiring biography of the Supreme Court justice as a reformer and legal innovator.
"How to Eat Your Watermelon," an energetic and admiring biography, also shows us Mr. Van Peebles as father, lover, political provocateur, artist, businessman, trickster and intellectual.
Larry Noye, O'Malley MHR, Neptune Press 1985 (a short and very admiring biography)
Although this is an admiring biography, it is far from hagiographic.
He was helped in this by his relationship with the writer Blanche d'Alpuget, who in 1982 published an admiring biography of Hawke.