I came to a stop to admire the full moon above the ridge.
The death of Hamilton, the man he admired above all others, represented a tragedy he could not absorb.
You are a man I admire above all others.
Dylert-the mill master- once said that he admired him above all the other craft masters.
-Leah opened the letter from the young man her father seemed to admire above all others.
KB was the director whom Saran admired above all others.
It was said, of her that she admired courage above all other traits and despised sycophancy.
He turned, his heart light, offering peace and oblivion to a man he had come to admire above all others.
He had lost the love of his life, the woman whom he admired above all others.
Mouth agape, he admired the eastern sky, clear blue in a band above the distant mountains.