If you're really looking for all those admirable characteristics I'm sure you'll find them in a woman from your own world.
"Art of the 40's" has almost no end of admirable (not to say fashionable) characteristics.
This is true, and an admirable characteristic of our citizens, but most people do not realize that dealing with persistent suffering is equally important.
But as is the case with a human being, admirable characteristics of a nation are not defined by size and physical prowess.
Though Beanie had some admirable characteristics, we had never liked each other.
An admirable characteristic for a civilized human, but not for anyone going up against a Paratwa.
The next day he asked if there was anything else about him that I admired and I added other admirable characteristics to the list.
His ability to trust other characters, despite the hardship he has been through is depicted as one of his most admirable characteristics.
One of the truly admirable characteristics of the English is their reticence and shyness.
"Because you would have seen it was gone," said Ramses, with the candor that is one of his more admirable characteristics.