Many administrators still view beepers as a sign of aberrant behavior and said the pagers were often bought without parents' knowledge.
The first part of it, the Network Services Manager, lets an administrator view the network from a single PC rather from a bank of them.
Their website has several tools that let researchers and administrators view classifications.
This feature allows administrators to view nearly every inch of the building.
There is a graphical user interface (GUI) for pbxnsip which allows administrators to view, edit, and change various aspects of pbxnsip via a web interface.
Based on the created threshold files, the administrator can view how they will impact the database before changes are applied.
Many baseball players, fans, and administrators view the rules and traditions of professional baseball as time-tested and nearly sacrosanct.
It was the first serious assault reported at Lutheran Medical Center, Mr. Walsh said, and administrators at the hospital viewed it as an isolated incident.
But administrators view alcohol in fraternity houses as an impediment to a healthy learning environment and a breeding ground for harassment and hazing.
In Oracle databases, Flashback tools allow administrators and users to view and manipulate past states of an instance's data without (destructively) recovering to a fixed point in time.