Lack of success in the post-war years left them ripe for relocation when the game's administrators were looking to expand the competition into other states.
The three medical administrators looked at each other to see who would speak.
The investigation began when administrators at Great Neck North looked into student rumors.
The other administrator looked doubtful, turned to his.
For example, the administrators looked towards bucolic Greenwich Village.
Such nontraditional activities require teachers and administrators to look at traditional practices in new ways.
The administrators were soon looking for suitable grounds to build a bigger and better hospital.
Lower-ranking administrators looked with disdain on this band of civilians who, as they perceived them, had no place in the military.
With the school's closing now imminent, administrators and professors are looking for new schools that will accept Interboro students.
Yet despite the glowing parental reviews, other Roosevelt schools' administrators are not looking to the academy in their quest to improve.