But officials said their investigation had uncovered no obvious problems or administrative shortcomings that could be blamed for the fire that ripped through the tunnel on March 24.
While the Third Section served as the Tsar's deputy for 55 years, the organization had its share of failures and administrative shortcomings.
Rarely, however, did these complaints revolve around traditional military personnel issues such as pay, awards, or similar administrative shortcomings.
Nevertheless, while many administrative shortcomings have been identified, the scrutiny technique does have inherent limitations.
That's why we haven't heard nearly enough about his administrative shortcomings and his lack of any experience at all in elective office.
The Commission has been reprimanded for quite a few administrative shortcomings, when the fault actually lies with the international organisations.
Specific tailor-made solutions are needed reducing the institutional, administrative and economic shortcomings of these regions will increase the efficiency of EU financial assistance as a whole.
Finally, I would draw attention to one small, unfortunately administrative shortcoming.
Finally on this issue, I should like to stress that the recipients of ECHO aid are in no way responsible for possible administrative shortcomings.
At the same time, I am aware of the administrative shortcomings in certain third countries, which create both economic and legal uncertainty for operators.