Compare our Empire, the Empire, to the ephemeral makeshift empires and irrational administrative schemes under which they live.
In 1975, after Edward Gierek's reform of the administrative scheme of Poland, Kalisz became the seat of a separate Kalisz Voivodeship.
While in many ways similar, key underlying concepts in the Scottish system differed, as did the administrative scheme.
It points to collective ownership with no indication of the administrative scheme it contemplates to realise that intention.
Fabian socialism was the first systematic attempt to meet the fatal absence of administrative schemes in the earlier socialisms.
This Act provides for an administrative scheme to regulate the possession, use and trade of various weapons including firearms, martial arts weapons, particular knives, body armour and crossbows.
In addition, the industry proposal would not provide for an administrative scheme to compensate smokers and would require that any smoker who wanted to sue the industry must first attend a smoking cessation course, said several sources.
The Beryslav Raion is divided in a way that follows the general administrative scheme in Ukraine.
There has been some criticism of the current administrative scheme as being inefficient and not conducive to regional planning.
The rules that govern this are private administrative schemes, applicable only to name as a precise format.