Users and groups created in a domain share a common administrative database and are known to each other on a "first name" basis, i.e. without reference to any other domain or system.
Patients may be tracked for up to 50 years based on their linkage to governmental health administrative databases.
This allows a simulated census to be conducted by linking several different administrative databases at an agreed time.
It uses and processes existing administrative databases (the national register) and provides data to Belgian and international authorities and organisations.
In terms of accuracy, the data are probably of acceptable reliability for patient demographics and encounter dates, since this information comes from the administrative database used for reimbursement.
First, the validity of conclusions drawn from analyses of large administrative databases depends on the accuracy of case-defining diagnostic codes.
This is due to the fact that those people were counted from administrative databases and not directly, and were therefore unable to state their ethnicity.
Additionally, AHRQ's free software tools can be used not only with the HCUP databases, but also with other administrative databases.
The use of administrative databases, as in this analysis, brings with it concern regarding the accuracy of ICD-9 coding.
Additionally, 7,879 people were registered from administrative databases, and could not declare an ethnicity.