The administration must withdraw these rules, or the City Council must pass a law to restore access before this lockout of the public becomes permanent.
In October, the administration withdrew rules that critics charged would allow industry to dump more cancer-causing chemicals and pollutants into waterways.
The administration withdrew its request on Tuesday, saying information about the code-breaking was starting to appear in news accounts.
In September, the administration withdrew its proposal for an 8-page contract.
Over the next months, as the Romanian provisional military administration withdrew, Bukovina's civil society began expressing discontent.
In March, the administration withdrew $10 million that it had promised to build roads, sewers and the like at the site.
When those memorandums leaked out last year, the administration withdrew them.
His administration withdrew the appeal before the courts in July 1999, effectively killing the law.
The effort foundered when Howard's administration, fearful of losing its Congressional funding, withdrew support.
Arizona State's administration withdrew from taking a position in the suit, claiming it was not central to the educational mission of the university.