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Then a new administration, with four years in front of it, could undertake to stimulate the economy by increasing grants to state and local governments.
Elko's administration also undertook the construction of more than one hundred churches and schools.
In 2007, after investors showed interest for reopening the airport, the regional administration of Vidin undertook measures to revive it.
Ms. Veneman said the administration was undertaking pilot thinning and burning projects in 10 areas.
Between 1996 and 2001, the current administration of the museum undertook a vast and controversial reform.
The administration can undertake most of the education measures unilaterally, without City Council or union acquiescence.
But this administration has undertaken to ease the burden on the city's parking public, more than any of its predecessors.
The new administration also undertook a campaign against street-corner drug traffic.
Lana's administration has undertaken the task of changing and upgrading on the Colegio's academic standards to meet those required to attain university status.
Officials and analysts said the administration would probably not undertake a major policy change on Colombia until after its presidential elections on May 26.