In an interview before taking office, he suggested that his administration would not tolerate an Iraq rearmed with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
Do you think NATO and the administration will tolerate the alleged allegations against Karzai for years to come or do you believe that the administration will yank the leash?
The faculty and administration tolerated no time wasting.
That's why this administration tolerated Saudi silence when we struck back against the Taliban.
"This administration has tolerated bad conduct in corporate America - C.E.O.'s cooking the books and enriching themselves at the expense of their companies," he said.
My administration doesn't tolerate violations of the law by developers or anyone else.
He has often said, "My administration will not tolerate divisive forces.
But he described the allegation as "absolutely ridiculous," saying that neither he nor his administration would tolerate the use of illegal drugs.
Q. I recall hearing that the current administration does not tolerate unfavorable questions during press conferences.
Mayor Bloomberg, speaking at City Hall, said his administration would not tolerate actions like the inspectors'.