In the name of security the administration has too often reacted in ways that diminish America's role as a central exchange in the marketplace of ideas.
US President Barack Obama and his administration reacted quickly to the incident, making public statements that it was a "credible threat".
The administration reacted quickly, saying it would seek an emergency stay and a quick appeal.
By 55 percent to 40 percent, Americans said the administration was reacting to events as they occurred abroad rather than having a clear foreign policy plan.
The administration at Chistopol reacted in the following way.
I hope to get a sense of, should I be fortunate enough to be the president, how my administration will react to the Middle East.
The way in which a public administration reacts to complaints is a key measure of how citizen-focused it is.
Mr. Doniger said the administration was reacting to pressure from industries that are resisting change.
The administration reacted by launching a rhetorical campaign against business monopoly power, which was cast as the villain.
The administration reacted by canceling its subscription to The Mirror, killing the paper's budget.