The administration and organisation of your business must be sound and strictly managed.
But this year his administration produced an intelligent budget, managed a surprise surplus and negotiated City Council approval of the budget ahead of time.
The administration manages security at about 450 airports but, so far, no heliports, Ms. Davis said.
By 1869 Ballard's administration patched its differences with the territorial legislature and managed to address many of the serious issues it inherited.
Zia's military administration effectively handled national security matters and notably managed the multi-billion dollar aid from the United States.
His administration managed to obtain U.S. Army air patrols for spotting forest fires.
At this stage, the administration managed to gather the required number needed to play and work at a fast pace.
You mark my words: if the administration manages to sweat the secret loose from those babies, you'll see the biggest boom in long-term investments ever.
They also said Mr. Bush had failed to detail how the administration would manage a postwar Iraq.
It is also a disaster: at enormous cost, the administration has managed to make millions of elderly Americans worse off.