Last month the administration lifted 50-year-old sanctions against North Korea, and there was no discussion even from conservatives in Congress about North Korea's aid to Pakistan.
He re-imposed exchange controls, which Pérez's administration had lifted as part of a general financial liberalisation (unaccompanied by effective regulation, which contributed to the banking crisis).
Hoyte's administration lifted all curbs on foreign activity and ownership in 1988.
But last week, in a gesture that signaled Washington's desire for better relations with the Indonesian military, the administration lifted a ban on spare parts for Indonesia's military transport planes.
The North Korean announcement came after the administration lifted some economic sanctions on Monday and was welcomed as a "positive statement of their commitment," the official said.
The new administration on the islands lifted the ban on British shipping, allowing imports of food.
President Obama's administration lifted this temporal restriction; work on previously created hESC lines is now eligible for funding, regardless of creation date.
The European Union, Japan, Brazil and others will now be free to retaliate against American imports if the administration does not lift the tariffs.
The administration did not lift protections for the bird.
At that time, the new administration lifted a partial hiring freeze imposed months earlier, though some mayoral aides objected.