The most significant legislation centered on prison reform, as Campbell's administration ended the contract lease system for inmates and implemented more humane treatment of prisoners.
Yet so far, the administration has implemented only some of the recommendations, and is subjecting others to unnecessary study and delay.
The academic administration implements a system of semester credit.
She said that in 2000 his administration implemented a policy allowing Medicaid to pay for RU-486, the abortion-inducing drug.
Specifically, Mr. Booker said his administration would immediately implement zero-tolerance policing.
The Institute's administration has implemented programs in an effort to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety felt by Tech students.
Representatives of nearly all social levels codified many of the reforms Alexei's administration had been implementing since the beginning of his reign.
It also mandated the administration develop and implement a plan to improve student achievement at the school and to notify all parents of the plan.
The forums focused on how past presidents and administrations implemented their policy agendas from their first day in office.
Moreover, the current administration has wisely implemented the law and defended it in court against constitutional challenges.