The administration has not described who they're transferring authority to in about 80 days.
The administration describes the changes as a natural midstream adjustment.
The weapons that the administration described before the war could be used by whoever now possesses them to kill us by the thousands or millions.
But the administration will not describe most of those cases, saying the countries often do not want to be identified.
The administration described the deployment as the first step in fulfilling Mr. Giuliani's promise to create safety zones around the city's schools.
The administration describes pre-emption as something to employ in extremis, not as a first resort.
The administration described its plans one day after Mr. Bush signed the Medicare bill.
Since August, the American and Russian officials have been engaged in informal talks, which a senior administration described as very tough.
The government also prepared scripts that can be used by news anchors introducing what the administration describes as a made-for-television "story package."
Previous American administrations have described settlements as an obstacle to peace, saying their status would be determined in negotiations.