The administration has added rules that effectively raise the spending for abstinence-only programs in some countries to well in excess of 33 percent.
In 2004 the administration added him to its roster of international narcotics kingpins.
With the spending debate intensifying, the administration recently added another $19.5 billion to future Pentagon budgets.
He said his administration would also expand recreation and summer job opportunities, add drug treatment programs and help former prisoners re-enter the community.
The administration has added 49,000 day care slots since welfare reform began in 1995, a 64 percent increase.
The administration additionally started the 2011-2012 year two days early and added 30 minutes to each school day.
Throughout the early history of the Chakri Dynasty, royal administrations added to the system.
In 2008; however, the administration added an additional all expenses paid trip to Florida for the administration.
In addition, regulation and administration add to health care costs in the United States.
His administration added five buildings, including a student center named in his honor.