Combinations, such as those used in EST-2479, of alkylating agents and prednisone, administered simultaneously or alternately, have not proven to be superior to therapy with MP.
Indinavir and delavirdine show reduced in plasma levels when administered simultaneously with didanosine; these drugs should be administered at different times.
(The spa also offers "It Takes Two," a side-by-side massage session for couples administered by two therapists simultaneously.)
Ca-DTPA and Zn-DTPA should not be administered simultaneously.
For some time, the Liberals and Conservatives simultaneously administered separate governments, the Conservatives from Mexico City and the Liberals from Veracruz.
The HSPA is administered over a course of three days simultaneously in all high schools throughout the state of New Jersey.
Over 100 psychologists simultaneously administered an anonymous self-report survey to 17,837 individuals representing 56 different nations, 6 continents, 13 islands, and 30 languages.
Vaccinia vaccine may be administered simultaneously with any inactivated vaccine, such as influenza vaccine, to encourage appropriate receipt of all indicated vaccines, e.g., in populations such as health care workers.
With the exception of varicella vaccine, vaccinia vaccine may be administered simultaneously with other live virus vaccines.
Apoptotic cells have been administered simultaneously with hematopoietic stem cells in experimental transplantation models, in anticipation of an improved outcome.