It assists them to find employment by administering small loans and business opportunities.
The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh administers similar loans to the poor with an even better payback record.
By 1995, the organization, based in Cambridge, Mass., plans to administer loans to 800,000 businesses, nearly all of which have fewer than 10 employees.
In Colombia, 17 private foundations administer loans in the nation's 12 largest cities.
South Korea's largest commercial bank, Kookmin, will soon face competition in administering low-interest loans that are subsidized by the government for people buying homes for the first time.
The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency is a financial aid organization which provides grants, administers loans, and affords other services to post-secondary students.
RHS administers direct loans, loan guarantees and grants.
Hayes himself was deep in debt to Union Planters Bank, which administered loans for the Stax label and many of its other key employees.
Proposed changes in the college loan system have bogged down amid a bank lobbying blitz and criticism that the Government cannot administer loans better than private lenders.
The Small Business Administration does not administer loans directly.