A final adjustment procedure, involving four indicators, could alter the total amount by up to 30 per cent.
The specific adjustment procedure applied is described in more detail in the Heavy-Duty Engine/Diesel Fuel RIA (U.S. EPA, 2000b).
Any seasonal adjustment procedure rests on a specific decomposition of a series into its unobserved components, namely trend-cycle, seasonal and irregular.
These adjustment procedures are easy enough, but you will have to work under the sink in a cramped and confined space.
The job is usually easy, but some adjustment procedures may require two people.
Details of this adjustment procedure can be found in the Heavy-Duty Engine/Diesel Fuel RIA and its supporting documentation, and in the most recent Section 812 study (EPA 1999).
Watts said that much of the BEST data should be thrown out, "...there is no adjustment procedure in place to fix this, [...] BEST tries to solve it, and I applaud them for the attempt.
The interpretation they suggest is that the compositions of the trusts were changing too quickly for the adjustment procedure.
There is also provision for adjustment procedures regarding ships providing scheduled services.
Following the laws of error propagation, neither the receiver position nor the clock offset are computed exactly, but rather estimated through a least squares adjustment procedure known from geodesy.