This adjustment might, notes the Post , significantly affect affirmative action hiring goals or the boundaries of congressional districts.
She also said the city would not predict how an adjustment might affect Congressional representation.
These adjustments do not affect the prior year figures in the group p&l account or balance sheet.
Critics asserted that a spinal adjustment cannot affect certain areas - like the brain - because the spinal nerves do not extend into the encephalon.
This suggests that adjustments in translation will often affect both the content and the line of argumentation.
This is a process of repeated adjustment, because the adjustment of one panel often affects the apparent fit of another.
How those seasonal adjustments might have affected the behavior of early man is unknown.
However, glacial isostatic adjustment of the ice sheets affect ground deformation and the gravity field today.
An adjustment could significantly affect individuals' financial planning.
These downward adjustments do not affect projects in connection with regions bordering on the candidate countries.