A few years later, Eckardt became an adjunct member of the faculty at Salisbury State University.
Besides these, officers of the German military are retained as adjunct members, sharing their expertise in security-related affairs with members of staff.
Until his death, Pollak remained an adjunct member of the Penn Law faculty and taught there regularly.
Experts from research groups from all over the world contribute as adjunct members of faculty.
There are more than 100 core and adjunct members of the faculty.
He started as an adjunct member of the village's planning board and quickly moved up to chairman.
He became an adjunct member of the faculty in 1894 and was named dean of the faculty in 1899.
From 1981 until her death, she was an adjunct member of Reed's anthropology department.
In 1781, he was made an adjunct member of the Naval Academy.
Since 2000, she has taught as an adjunct member of the Dance faculty at Barnard College.