Jurors adjourned early in the afternoon without reaching a decision and were to continue deliberating Thursday.
Court adjourned early because the judge had a commitment elsewhere in the afternoon.
No action had been taken on the request before the assembly adjourned early in August.
His Honor adjourned early, at four, his reason being that two hours were needed to hear some motions and other things not involving the jury.
The State Leigislature actually adjourned early for the evening so the couple could enjoy a honeymoon without worrying about reporting.
A political rally adjourned early because the principal speaker failed to show up.
The chamber allowed Beshear's one veto to stand and adjourned a day early.
On days when court adjourned early, I headed for the office for a breath of fresh air.
The judge adjourned the court early.
Finally, the court adjourned early for lunch so a microphone and speaker system could be installed.