Mitch followed him into a nearby room where the two chose adjoining seats at the end of a long, oval table.
There was a good deal of flouncing and muttering from the adjoining seat before quiet descended.
A briefcase, shopping bag or newspaper planted on the adjoining seat are common ploys.
For years I have bought three adjoining seats in coach and slept like a baby, completely flat.
A few more caveats: Booking adjoining seats does not always ensure that you will get them.
Gregor, in the adjoining seat, was trying to relax.
We move to adjoining seats and proceed to catch up - although, in truth, it's more like catching on.
He took her arm and led her back to the four adjoining seats that had held him and his family.
The writer and the director plopped into adjoining seats to confer.
I have been known to doze off, somewhat slumped over onto the adjoining seat, whenever we come into a station.