It was built on a large adjacent piece of land.
The museum installation was designed to enhance the relationships between adjacent pieces.
This does not work when pressed twice in a row (holding a piece, then attempting to hold the adjacent piece after).
Over many years, the bees may almost completely hollow out a single board, or a few boards, without ever touching adjacent pieces.
In return, he said, the company would give the city an adjacent piece of land that is larger than the school site.
Patrick McQuade, who was building two apartment houses on the adjacent piece of land, would offer only $1,000.
Players take turns to move one of their own pieces onto an orthogonally adjacent opposing piece, removing it from the game.
The stronger piece may pull or push the adjacent weaker piece.
A piece on a trap square is captured when all adjacent friendly pieces move away.
The metal hardware appears to be intact on adjacent pieces.