One floor up are the ruins of the great hall and an adjacent kitchen.
The restaurant's two large rooms were closely packed, and the cloakroom perilously close to the trays leaving the adjacent kitchen at high speed.
He heard voices in the adjacent kitchen.
Quieta went into the adjacent kitchen and emerged pushing a cart with a number of platters and pitchers.
Dodd struggled to his feet and walked across the living room to the adjacent kitchen.
Was the grid inscribed by the Dyckman children, after being shooed out of the adjacent kitchen and told to amuse themselves?
The adjacent kitchen is covered by a pyramidal stone-built chimney.
A burst of automatic fire erupted from the direction of the home's adjacent kitchen.
We tiptoe through the adjacent kitchen, the patisserie kitchen, where a student is working for her practical exams.
A new multipurpose gymnasium/cafeteria and the adjacent kitchen were constructed in 2004.