It feeds at middle levels over adjacent habitats, but avoids large towns.
The plants grow on slightly raised mounds in the boggy meadows and adjacent drier habitat.
The creek and adjacent habitats supported a wide variety of birds, amphibians, fish, insects, and mammals.
The permanent water in the wetland, its adjacent habitats and a reliable feed source, have attracted many species of waterbirds to this site.
There can also be a mutualism between species that occupy adjacent marine habitats.
This species prefers canopy and edges of highland forests and adjacent habitat.
It may also be found in similar adjacent habitats in southeastern Mexico.
It occurs in tropical humid lowland forest and adjacent habitats.
Within the study area, R. muscosa began to disperse to adjacent suitable aquatic habitats that previously contained fish or none at all.
Juveniles tend to leave their parent's territory and move into adjacent habitat in autumn or early winter.