Thus, operating pressure materially affects the size of the separator and the size and type of mist extractor required to separate adequately the liquid and gas.
Unfortunately, no milling process at the time could adequately separate the complex mixture of copper, lead and zinc sulphides.
In the end we have some trouble adequately separating the narrator's sweetly romantic nostalgia from the author's, so not enough of the celebration seems earned.
Believers in second degree separation believe that Christians who are tied up with "the world" are themselves guilty of apostasy for their failure to adequately separate.
Organizationally, the ministry does not adequately separate the functions of governance and policy making from the functions of management.
Zubin Jelveh, writing for, criticized the Wall Street Journal editorial for failing to adequately separate social insurance taxes from other types of tax revenues (such as income tax and corporate tax revenue).
The primary scientific driver of SpeX was to provide maximum simultaneous wavelength coverage at a spectral resolving power which is well-matched to many planetary, stellar and galactic features, and at resolving power which adequately separates sky emission lines and disperses sky continuum.
Henke concluded that the ICR's "research" was improperly conducted and "was unsuccessful in adequately separating the volcanic glass from the much older minerals."
Both of these representations are used widely in computer graphics, and one or the other of them is often more convenient than RGB, but both are also criticized for not adequately separating color-making attributes, or for their lack of perceptual uniformity.