For example, Fillenbaum (1985) observes that medical diagnosis 'does not adequately identify people with similar needs for care'.
Their government-other governments could have any number of unpleasant surprises waiting to greet air-borne craft which could not adequately identify themselves.
The report found that the Ministry had failed to adequately identify Curran's conflict of interest with respect to her relationship with Minister Parker.
The conflation of trafficking with prostitution, then, does not serve to adequately identify trafficking and help the victims.
Second, it compels them to set limits on something they cannot even adequately identify.
The true extent of disease has yet to emerge as most laboratories do not use techniques to adequately identify this organism.
Researchers also recommended that the government should intensify efforts to identify adequately all potential victims of forced prostitution.
Most important, the stress limits the mark's ability to perceive alternatives or to adequately identify the true range of her personal autonomy and freedom.
Ensure your client has properly and adequately identified the acquisition target to be contacted (proper corporate name, location, etc.).
These students had taken American history courses in high school, but "a large majority" could not adequately identify Lincoln, Jefferson, Jackson or Theodore Roosevelt.