If West plays passively, by returning a club or a heart, South will succeed: He will play clubs from the top, hoping that East does not have the queen adequately guarded.
For reasons which are not clear at this time, Deputy Chief Taverner was not adequately guarded.
Son, anyone will betray anything under the Question-unless adequately guarded by hypno compulsion.
For the Court, these factors adequately guarded against the risk of arbitrary imposition of the death sentence.
However, you will be adequately guarded so do not be so foolish as to think of escaping.
We must ensure that our oil refineries and power and chemical plants are adequately guarded.
One of the largest in the country, covering more than 10 square miles, is near Al Musaiyib, 20 miles south of Baghdad, and is still not adequately guarded, an official said this week.
Other nations have nuclear weapons that may not be adequately guarded, and nuclear materials that could be used to build weapons are available at civilian institutes around the world.
The farmhouse was adequately guarded.