Tax specialists also say that corporate taxes fail to distinguish adequately between revenues and profit.
I think some commentators are failing to adequately distinguish between cultural custom (or "law") and The Law.
But a larger shortcoming is the book's occasional failure to distinguish adequately between cause and effect in conspiracy theories.
The main problem with the game-winning r.b.i. was that it did not adequately distinguish the achievement it was meant to reward.
Checci, like the paper above, says that a "major weakness" of the poll was a failure to adequately distinguish between households and extended family.
Experts still had concerns whether the interceptors could adequately distinguish enemy warheads from decoys.
For example, Williston pointed out in 1901 that Marsh had never been able to adequately distinguish Allosaurus from Creosaurus.
The government does not adequately distinguish between trafficking victims in need of protective services and other migrants.
The absence of the profit motive as an incentive to efficiency does not adequately distinguish public and private employees.
In addition, the law does not adequately distinguish between apartments with high and low risks of lead paint exposure, Dr. Frieden said.