Most earnings after taxes were plowed back into the partnership to achieve adequate financial strength with which to expand operations.
We also reaffirmed that for the foreseeable future nuclear deterrence and adequate conventional strength are the guarantees of peace in freedom.
Haris was very quick but without adequate physical strength.
Thus as Los Angeles held its police department below adequate strength, the state prison population soared from 25,000 in 1980 to more than 100,000 today.
We must apply it in adequate strength in an appropriate manner.
So, it is essential that the retaining wall has adequate strength to avoid bowing and possible collapse in the future.
But the plan at least establishes a firm schedule for bringing the police force up to adequate strength.
Wire lacks adequate strength and may gradually stretch and break.
In the green condition there must be adequate strength for handling.
No diplomacy, no policy in history has ever been successful without the support of adequate military strength.