In an editorial today, The Washington Post supports efforts in the U.S. Senate to address online piracy, which is estimated to cost the United States billions of dollars every year.
"Addressing piracy with military force is not going to work," he said.
There are better ways to address piracy than to ask US companies to censor the internet.
Victims of IP theft will continue to use current voluntary market-based systems to address counterfeiting and piracy.
( ... ns-110707/ ) "and is the latest mark of recognition that ISP cooperation is the most effective way of addressing online piracy."
What we are already doing to address piracy hasn't been working.
It joins a torrent of other bills introduced in Congress and in state legislatures to address piracy of copyrighted materials.
As part of the Maritime Administration action plan for addressing piracy off the Horn of Africa, pertinent information is consolidated on this site for easy access to current status and advice to counter-piracy and armed robbery.
Over the past few weeks, the chorus of concerns over Congressional efforts to address online piracy has intensified.
Indeed, there is broad consensus that something must be done to address online counterfeiting and piracy, which already costs the global economy $650bn (£432bn) annually.