The Catholic university must address all these issues from the perspective of faith and out of its rich heritage.
This work of organization also gives us the opportunity to address the young, sons and girls of workers with whom we are in touch.
It would also, he said, address the issues of "climate change, environment and wildlife conservation".
It backs projects that have a lasting impact and "address the needs" of the people they serve.
Her addressing of controversial issues about politics and video games has been the subject of discussion in the media.
S.190 was a bill to address the regulation of secondary mortgage market enterprises, and for other purposes.
At no time had she addressed herself to the credibility or otherwise of anything in the report.
That is the issue we must address first of all.
Anyone concerned about population growth has to address, first of all, the economic insecurity of people living in the developed world.
Support research to address consumer, legal, regulatory and risk issues of electronic check applications.