The petitioner then has 60 days to address objections raised by the Ministry or challenge the Ministry in court.
Other controls were performed to address various objections of critics of the original experiment.
Judge Fogel halted the execution to permit time to review whether the new injection procedures addressed previous objections.
But he maintained that existing trade laws and continuing negotiations between the two Governments on other issues are adequate for the present to address American objections.
In an exchange of notes meant to supplement the ratification process, both men addressed objections which have been made against the treaty.
The move appeared to be aimed at addressing objections from the United States and court challenges to the route in Israel.
Feminist works from the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries addressed objections to women learning, teaching and preaching in a religious context.
In the end, the bill contained some provisions designed to address objections from Democrats, organized labor and environmental groups.
He devotes several chapters to addressing objections to socialism, then analyzes the history of socialism.
To address objections that Dabney was a slave, Aycock claimed he had been born free.